HYROX WOD 6.3.2023
Mix workout
*lessen reps if run out of time, but keep the same weight
1km run
straight into:
15min EMOM
1. 12 heavy thrusters
2. 10 HEAVY wall balls (try 10kg)
3. 45s air bike
straight into 1km run
15min EMOM
1. 16 heavy DB box step ups
2. 16 sandbag walking lunges (20kg bag)
3. 10 burpee over the box
straight into 1km run
15min EMOM
1. 6-8 heavy BB cleans
2. 45s sled push (pro 10+ weight) max distance
3. 45s sled pull (pro 10+ weight) max distance
straight into 1km